Extra support


Life can send challenges sometimes and when it does it’s good to know where to go for help.


Support if you’re struggling financially

If you need a little extra help with monthly expenses such as groceries once your bills have been paid, there is support available to you.


Foodbanks can really help to put a meal on the table when you need it most. In the Horsham District, Horsham Matters can provide emergency food parcels and, depending on supplies, they may also be able to offer you a fuel voucher.


Our Money Matters team can also issue food vouchers to residents who need them. To find out more, contact [email protected] or call 01403 226000.


If no one is available, please contact Horsham Matters directly on: 0300 124 0204, or email [email protected].


More information on the location of foodbanks can be found on our webpage here.


Difficulty paying your rent and/or service charge

If you’re having difficulty paying your rent and/or service charge, it’s worth checking whether you’re entitled to more income/benefits.


Many people who are working may still be eligible for a Universal Credit top up. You can check your eligibility and possible entitlements using one of the many online benefit calculators. We recommend Policy in Practice, where they have a handy budget and benefit calculator: www.betteroffcalculator.co.uk.


This calculator also has a great budgeting tool and offers tips on how to reduce your outgoings.


Additional free benefit and debt advice is available online at:


Citizens Advice

W: www.citizensadvice.org.uk

T: 0800 144 8848


Step Change

W: www.stepchange.org

T: 0800 138 1111


Pay Plan

W: www.payplan.com

T: 0800 280 2816


If you’re worried about becoming homeless, support and advice is available from Crisis at: www.crisis.org.uk


For further information and advice, email our Money Matters Team:

[email protected].

Tips on saving money

Our Helping Hand Guide contains lots more money saving tips, from managing your subscriptions, to saving money on food.


Mental health support

We know that worrying about the cost of living and debt can have a negative impact on mental health. If you’re worried, please don’t suffer alone, there’s lots of support available:


The Mental Health Foundation:

W: www.mentalhealth.org.uk



T: 116 123

W: www.samaritans.org



T: 0300 123 3393

W: www.mind.org.uk