If you’re having difficulty paying your rent and/or service charges, it’s worth checking whether you’re entitled to more income/benefits.
Benefits calculators
Find out if you're missing out on financial help by using one of the many online benefits calculators to work out your possible entitlements. We recommend Policy in Practice, where they have a handy budget and benefit calculator: www.betteroffcalculator.co.uk.
The calculators will give you an estimate of:
To get an accurate calculation, you will need information about your:
You cannot use the calculators if you’re under 18, and it will not give you an accurate result if you're:
If you have any queries regarding your calculation, our Money Matters team can help you make sure you are claiming all the help and support you are entitled to. For advice or to request an appointment, please email [email protected].
Additional advice and support is also available from the following:
Age UK
Help and advice for older people.
Telephone: 0800 678 1602
Citizens Advice
Free advice and help on a wide range of issues including money, benefits, employment and consumer rights.
Telephone: 0800 144 8848
Job Centre Plus
Manage benefit claims and provide free advice on what benefits you might be entitled to.
Benefits and Council Tax support
Mid-Sussex: www.midsussex.gov.uk
Horsham: www.horsham.gov.uk
Adur: www.adur-worthing.gov.uk
Official UK Government website.
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