Report a repair

The best way to report a repair is through the My WealdLiving online service. Once registered, you can access a range of repairs and account services, anytime, 24/7. Not yet signed up? You can do so here.


You should always phone us if it is an emergency. A list of what constitutes as an emergency can be found here. If you can't speak or hear on the phone, you could contact the Next Generation Text service at who can arrange to read your words / type a reply.


We offer appointments from Monday to Friday during the following time slots:


8:00am - 1:00pm

8.00am - 4.30pm 
10.00am - 2.30pm
12 noon - 4.30pm


We will remind you in advance, by text message, when your appointment is due and when our operative is on their way. Please make sure that we have an up-to-date mobile number for you when you book your appointment.

Please note: If we are called out to do a repair and find that the damage has been caused deliberately or through neglect, we will charge you for the cost of the repair.

What we expect of you

  • You must ensure that an appropriate adult (aged 18 or over) is present to let us in.
  • Please make sure the area likely to be affected by the work is clean and clear of obstructions, and that children and pets are kept at a safe distance.
  • Please treat our staff and contractors with respect and do not abuse or threaten them.